For all those who meticulously catalog the content of this site(you know who you are, get help) you may have noticed that the site content has been refreshed. Well maybe not so much refreshed but deleted and re-added. You may also notice the site looks exactly the same. Exciting times!

What brought about this monmentus non-change, you might ask(you might, you don't know)? Well the last version of was built on Acquia's Lightning, which is a great project(thanks phéna proxima and Adam) but is a bit overkill for what I need. I may have also not kept up with the latest security releases, I am not saying. Also with new features that have been added to Drupal core I figured I could build this site with core alone, well almost, and save myself the headache of worrying about module updates.
Currently the site only uses the Photoswipe module. Once I turn on comments I will need something for spam prevention.
Since I have started working on Drupal core full-time I have not had much time for site building so this has been a fun exercise.
I am using the new core experimental module Layout Builder which is main reason I wasn't to worried about leaving Lightning where I used Panels. I have been lucky enough to be able to work on this module for my work with Acquia and I have to tell I love using it.
It has allowed me to configure Photography page on this site to show just the first 4 images of the galleries on the teasers with only Layout Builder and a View. This something in that past I have needed Panels(was this possible?) or EVA to do. It is great to be doing this with just core!